image showing a doctor using global meet's virtual event platform for a health insurance virtual event

The Ins and Outs on the Health Insurance Market for Virtual Events

In 2021, 92% of Americans utilized health insurance through a mix of public and private companies. Health insurance is often a stressful, confusing topic for many, with ongoing public debates on insurance premiums, coverage, co-pays, costs, and more. There was also a time when the general public knew little about different brands in the healthcare and insurance industry; patients had no choice or ability to “shop around” for coverage when it was through their employer.


Health insurance has become a more popular topic, especially with the Affordable Care Act offering patients alternatives outside of employer-sponsored programs. The balance of buying power shifted more towards the consumer, and new metrics like patient satisfaction are the marketing messages of choice. As a result, modern-day healthcare and insurance companies should work to increase brand awareness and trust directly with their consumers. Here are a few ways to stand out in the health insurance market.

First, Establish a Strong Brand Identity

First, a cohesive, strategic visual identity and brand narrative are the foundation of standing out in a competitive market. More than a simple logo and color palette, a brand’s narrative emphasizes why the company exists, along with unique differentiators that beat competitors.


Establishing a strong and cohesive strategy across all marketing channels (website, social media, physician materials, paid ads, white papers, email newsletters, marketing collateral, sales sheets, etc.) helps build trust within your target market. Without confident, polished branding, healthcare and insurance companies will have difficulty establishing themselves as a trusted authority and winning the confidence of consumers.


However, a nice website and confident color palette simply aren’t enough to win today’s digitally savvy, well-educated consumers. Customizable communication alternatives like webcasts, SMS messaging, and more help build personal touches in this digitized world.

Strong Human Resources and Healthcare Improves Employee Retention

While direct-to-consumers is an important market, employer-sponsored healthcare programs make up the majority of healthcare and insurance communications. Healthcare is a strong draw when comparing companies, and many people specifically seek full-time employment for health benefits.


Strong benefits packages are important for workers deciding between jobs, and they also go a long way in improving employee retention. Strong human resource (HR) benefits and perks allow employees to feel valued, but it’s equally important that team members are aware of what they have access to.

Why Use Webcasting for Modern Day Healthcare

Health insurance plans aren’t easy to understand, and static brochures and complicated enrollment procedures exacerbate an already-complex concept. Team members are more likely to understand and comprehend complex payment breakdowns when they’re visually walked through the healthcare guide and can ask live questions and receive detailed verbal answers from their HR manager or the insurance representative.


Whether you’re educating employees during open enrollment or trying to reach consumers directly, webcasting allows for effective face-to-face communication. GlobalMeet offers powerful engagement tools for the audience, allowing for chats, polls, surveys, and more. Healthcare and insurance companies can monitor webcasts for questions and reactions, ensuring patients are getting the answers and care they need. Companies can then use these robust analytics to determine how their team members are responding to a new health insurance company, new perks, or simply completing open enrollment.


For healthcare and insurance virtual events, GlobalMeet also:

  • Assists insurance agents with communicating healthcare plans and changes to their clients
  • Allows HR to clearly illustrate insurance benefits to employees along with detailed plan comparisons that help them make the best decision for their family
  • Streamlines open enrollment with increased transparency and communication
  • Allows HR managers to educate, advocate, and answer questions more effectively
  • Increases brand awareness and customer loyalty

Schedule a demo with GlobalMeet today to see how we can support your next annual HR benefits presentation or insurance workshop.

image of business man using globalmeet webcasting for financial virtual events

Why Financial Institutions Need Webcasting

Financial institutions play important strategic roles with investors, employees, and consumers. As a trusted partner, you want to be their go-to for information during stable, “business as usual” markets as well as through volatile economic times. Whether you’re launching a new service offering to partners or walking a large firm through complex financial procedures, you want to make sure that your message gets across clearly and effectively. For financial institutions seeking to leverage webcasting technology for continuous and secure communication, such as hosting virtual bank conferences, GlobalMeet powers 50% of the largest U.S. banks and 23% of the world’s largest banks as their webcast vendor of choice.

Why Use Webcast Technology Over Traditional Forms of Communication

The absence of non-verbal cues, such as body language, tone of voice, and inflection, in one-dimensional forms of communication like emailing or newsletter updates can often lead to misunderstandings. Furthermore, these methods can feel distant and impersonal, lacking the warmth and human connection typically associated with webcasting. Time zone differences, remote working and geographically dispersed teams are more easily accommodated and accessibility needs are often met better through webcasting.


As one of the most trusted vendors in a person’s life, a financial institution like a bank, credit union or wealth management advisor needs to inspire confidence, transparency, and authenticity in customers. This is easily done with powerful webcasting technology that allows for reaching a global audience in real-time or on demand.

Why Leading Financial Institutions Use GlobalMeet Webcast for Video Communication

For enterprise organizations, GlobalMeet Webcast executes polished, resourceful communications at scale. In the financial sector, this is more important than ever for a multitude of reasons.

1. Financial Organizations Need to Provide Continuous Education

For financial organizations specifically, education plays a huge role in maintaining relationships with investors and clients. Clients look to their financial advisors for reassurance, education, and trending information around stock markets, investments, and more. Leading financial institutions know that maintaining a continuous stream of educational information is key when policy changes occur, markets shift, or new investment opportunities become available.

2. Polished Webcasting Technology Helps Facilitate Trusted Relationships

GlobalMeet Webcast supports the trusted relationships financial organizations need to maintain and ensures that confidence and expertise are portrayed through high-quality video and audio. Nothing makes consumers feel more unsure than hearing garbled speech from their financial partner. Across all financial vendors, GlobalMeet Webcast helps keep employees, analysts, members, agents, and customers educated and engaged.

3. Financial Businesses Need to Scale Their Communication

From a small, local credit union to an insurance giant, communication needs to happen at scale. GlobalMeet Webcast easily accommodates 100k+ attendees across time zones and even in different languages. Communication is easily translated through live human translations or on-demand captioning, so no audience feels unaccommodated and left out.

How to Decide if GlobalMeet Webcast Is the Right Webcast Software for Your Financial Institution

From small teams to corporate giants, GlobalMeet is highly trusted by Fortune 500 companies around the world and is uniquely trusted by the world’s largest accounting/consulting firms, responsible for auditing over 90% of all Fortune 500 companies.


Explore how GlobalMeet’s leading technology can benefit your financial organization, especially for hosting virtual bank conferences.

mockup of the globalmeet virtual event platform ui for a life sciences webcast

4 Benefits of Virtual Events for Life Science Events

For forward-thinking life sciences companies such as pharmaceutical brands, hospitals, scientific research and development institutions, and medical device businesses, it is crucial to have an events strategy that aligns with the organization’s innovative mission. As your team strives to enhance the quality of life for individuals worldwide, incorporating a virtual events strategy becomes paramount in creating an immersive and omnichannel experience that resonates with your audience.


In the rapidly expanding life sciences industry, growth is expected to soar at an impressive rate of 7.6% over the next decade. Every aspect of your marketing events strategy holds significant importance in this fiercely competitive landscape. Whether conducting hybrid training sessions or hosting your annual product roadshow for thousands of customers, utilizing a top-notch, cutting-edge webcasting solution is crucial in creating captivating and dynamic events.

1. Maintain a Laser-Focused Approach to Your World-Altering Mission

Life sciences organizations play a vital role in driving digital transformation, conducting groundbreaking research, and spearheading the development of innovative technologies that can transform lives worldwide. However, your team shouldn’t be burdened by the intricate technical aspects of your events strategy.


Dealing with concerns such as video glitches or poor audio quality can be distracting and time-consuming for your internal teams, taking their focus away from more pressing matters. You deserve the peace of mind knowing that your webcasting solution is reliable and ready to go whenever needed. With cloud-based reliability, experience seamless and impeccable audio and video quality, empowering you to broadcast your message confidently and effortlessly, whenever and however you desire.

2. Make a Bold Market Entry with New Products to Ignite Buzz, Enthusiasm, and Adoption

An integral phase of the product development lifecycle is introducing your new offering to customers. This process begins with comprehensive training and education for vendors, providers, and strategic partners to equip them as advocates for your groundbreaking innovation.


Take your product launch to new heights by hosting captivating and immersive events that unite attendees from across the globe. To maintain long-lasting brand recognition, offer continuous education even after the launch, and leverage the power of GlobalMeet Webcast to deliver on-demand materials and training resources, ensuring your audience stays engaged and well-informed.

3. Adapt to Diverse Audiences as Needed

No matter the size or scope of your event, GlobalMeet Webcast effortlessly adjusts to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re conducting a smaller scale sales training session or organizing a large-scale annual kickoff event, you can confidently cater to thousands of attendees scattered across the globe, spanning different time zones and speaking various languages. With live event translations and interactive engagement tools at your disposal, overcoming language barriers and fostering active participation becomes a breeze.

4. Maintain Unwavering Security

GlobalMeet Webcast prioritizes enterprise-level security, ensuring that you remain fully compliant. With a robust security infrastructure embedded in the solution, you can rest assured that you meet the most stringent security standards without any concerns.

GlobalMeet Webcast offers a range of powerful tools, including gated access, password protection, and login authentication, enabling you to customize each event and grant access only to individuals who require confidential information. This comprehensive security approach guarantees that your sensitive data remains protected throughout every stage of your webcast.

Harness the Power of GlobalMeet Webcast for Your Life Sciences Event

Unleash the potential of GlobalMeet Webcast to craft an immersive events strategy that aligns perfectly with your distinctive brand and mission. With a multitude of customization options at your fingertips, you can create unforgettable experiences that resonate with your global audience. While you focus on revolutionizing the future of healthcare and disseminating life-changing information worldwide, rest assured that we take care of the logistical intricacies to bring your events to life seamlessly.


For additional assistance, explore our dedicated Managed Service team, comprised of experts who excel in supporting the planning, execution, and conclusion of numerous events each year. To delve deeper into the possibilities, contact our sales team today.

How to Create More Accessible Virtual Events in 2023

While virtual events are more accessible than in-person events, organizations must embrace accessibility, equity, and inclusivity when it comes to building strategies for 2023 and beyond. Over 2 billion people globally live with some sort of disability, and a significant number of these are audio or visual impairments. Two hundred seventeen million people worldwide have moderate to severe vision impairment, and over 1.5 billion people live with hearing loss. As so many people struggle to interact with virtual events without an added layer of accessibility, creating an inclusive, welcoming environment during an event is key.

The Rise of Accessibility in Virtual Events

While many strides have been made to make technology, websites, and online events more accessible, there are still ways to enhance the experience. Physically, virtual events already add extra accessibility as they don’t require travel, walking across a large conference hall, climbing stairs, or other movements that might be more difficult for some people. A recent study also showed that online events gather a more diverse audience. People can tune in on their own schedules from home and immerse themselves in content the way they prefer.

3 Best Practices for Accessible Virtual Events

As organizations continue to reimagine accessibility in virtual events, here are a few best practices. Encourage your audience to provide feedback as well on what could make your events easier to watch and absorb.


1. Embrace Captioning and Live Translations

With 91% of viewers watching videos without sound, captioning boosts engagement, increases comprehension, and extends viewing times. Without captions, research shows that when people can’t understand or hear a speaker, they quickly tune out, leaving your event less effective and hurting your business revenue. Verizon Media research also showed that people are 80% more likely to watch your video if you have captions. GlobalMeet Webcast offers captioning and live human event interpretation in multiple languages to make your event inclusive across global audiences.


2. Give Attendees a Heads-Up on What to Expect

Make sure the agenda is prepped and available ahead of time, so your attendees can know what to expect. This allows them to make any necessary accommodations before the event starts, and cognitively, our brains are constantly working hard to figure out what’s coming next.

Some key items to include:

  • Start and finish times.
  • Speaker bios and session descriptions.
  • Any social interaction that will be encouraged, like break out rooms or participating in the chat or polls.


3. Survey Your Audience Beforehand to Understand Their Needs

Confused about where to start on making your virtual event more accessible? Just ask your audience! A quick pre-event survey that asks for their viewing preferences, preferred language, and any other accommodations makes people feel comfortable and heard ahead of time. Avoid spending tons of time guessing what your audience needs, only to find out after the event they wanted something totally different.

Use GlobalMeet Webcast for More Accessible Virtual Events

GlobalMeet Webcast builds an inclusive culture that breaks down language barriers, fosters team building, and improves accessibility and inclusivity. Make your events welcoming to all audiences across the world with an innovative webcasting platform that scales as you do. Contact us today to learn more.

Checklist: Promoting Your Virtual Event

Woman holding pencil looking at a checklist

Promoting your event online can be more important than hosting the event itself. You can plan the best event experience in the world, but if you don’t take the time to promote it, no one will attend. To effectively market the event, you’ll need to create assets that allow you to market it successfully and drive attendees to your website to sign up.

Download our free event checklist to ensure you don’t miss a thing.

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Checklist: Preparing For Your Virtual Event

Man holding a pencil looking at a checklist

All events, from simple online events coordinated by a single person to highly-produced virtual events, require a planning process. The GlobalMeet Webcast team has been delivering high-impact virtual events for over twenty years and have put together our best practices to help you ensure your events are successful.


Download our free event checklist to ensure you don’t miss a thing.

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Virtual Event Planning Guide and Checklists

This guide covers what you need to know about building an interactive and engaging virtual event experience for your attendees. With over 20 years experience powering virtual events, we offer our insights on each part of the process of hosting a successful virtual event, including pre-event preparation and planning, promoting the event to the right audience, hosting on the day of the event, and post-event follow-up.


Download our free Event Planning Guide and Checklists to help you put on your first or your next great event.

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