Expand Your Audience

Hybrid and Virtual Insurance Industry Events

Whether you’re looking to improve communicating with your provider network, a benefits and wellness programs provider looking to create a comprehensive virtual events portal for its workforce, a thought leadership center of excellence for medical professionals, or an auto, life, travel, home or business insurer, now’s the time to simplify insurance communications with virtual events.

Engage your Members, Brokers, and Providers with GlobalMeet

From agent training to broker and member communications regarding new product and services, virtual events are valuable tools that accelerate your communications goals.

Business people planning their next GlobalMeet virtual event

Demands for Insurance Interactions Grow Year after Year.

The Challenges:

  • Compliance poses a constant challenge.
  • Client, Broker, and Provider time is limited.
  • People would rather watch than read.
  • Insurance can be a complicated, confusing topic for many.
business man on phone considers globalmeet for crisis communications strategy

Overcome These Challenges and More with GlobalMeet Virtual Events

Professional Certifications and Compliance-Led Training Programs

Certifications enhance the credibility and expertise of internal team members and external stakeholders.

Training equips agents and brokers with the skills and knowledge to provide excellent service, improving client retention.

Segment your audience based on specialist areas such as policy types, service areas and adoption levels. Leverage first-party data from every audience interaction across experiences to fuel personalized marketing.

Integrate GlobalMeet virtual event data into your business CRM and marketing automation systems to understand client profiles, allowing for fast follow-up and engagement.

Tailor event experiences to engage your audience from anywhere effortlessly with no GlobalMeet downloads or setup required.

Whether your audience is a hundred, a thousand, or hundreds of thousands, GlobalMeet owns and operates our own private and secure streaming network worldwide with better than five 9’s reliability for more than twenty years.

Cyber-attacks pose a significant risk today. GlobalMeet protects clients’ sensitive data with enterprise-grade security for virtual events.

Virtual events capture viewer interactions via duration watched, Q+A, polls and clicked materials, enabling the most effective engagement with your communications.

The Best Way to Meet CE Requirements is Using Webinars

Policy experts can serve as your primary presenters, delivering comprehensive training on eligibility and enrollment topics and onboarding new agents. Furthermore, continuing education webinars can be held throughout the year on new regulations that affect coverage, so agents and brokers remain on top of changes and are certified in alignment with the provider’s policies and practices.  

Continuing education professionals speaking at a GlobalMeet hybrid event

See Why Leading Healthcare and Compliance Companies Trust GlobalMeet

Investor Relations and Insurance

IR, insurance, and virtual events intersect through financial performance, compliance, market positioning, operational efficiency, and sometimes even crisis communications. Information on economic health, risk management, compliance, product innovations, and strategic partnerships broadcast to stakeholders builds trust and highlights growth potential. Effective investor relations emphasize transparency, cost control, and ethical practices, enhancing a company’s reputation and attracting capital. Virtual events provide a platform for real-time communication and engagement with investors.

Group of professionals planning a GlobalMeet insurance investor relations virtual event

Effective HR and Wellness Options Improves Employee Retention and Attract New Hires

Key Benefits:

  • Attraction: Open enrollment and wellness options are a strong draw when comparing companies.
  • Retention: Robust benefits packages improve employee retention.
  • Employee Value: Benefits make employees feel valued and help them understand their options for the best family care.
  • Communication: Webcasting enables HR and insurance providers to clearly explain insurance benefits to employees and respond to questions quickly.
HR professional speaking at a GlobalMeet hybrid event
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GlobalMeet for Insurance Communications

With GlobalMeet’s virtual events, plan today for tomorrow’s needs. Host live and on-demand sessions to effortlessly communicate insurance plans from anywhere, any time.