A visual concept of people connecting with one another around the globe

How to Plan a Virtual Event: A Step-by-Step Guide

So you want to host a virtual event, huh? Perfect! But let’s not put the cart before the horse here—first, we have to actually plan the thing.


In this guide, we’ll explore the essentials of building a strong event team, creating engaging content and agendas, and the crucial steps of technical and rehearsal planning. From preparing presenters to finalizing event settings, this guide is designed to equip you with the necessary tools and insights for a successful virtual event.


Sound like a lot? Good, it should. A good virtual event isn’t just thrown together, even by professionals—like us here at GlobalMeet. After all, do you want to know how to plan a virtual event or how to plan a virtual event that people will love?


Let’s start out by clarifying the difference between virtual events and hybrid events, just to make sure we’re on the same page. Then, we’ll dive head first into the step-by-step guide on how to plan a virtual event.

Understanding Virtual vs. Hybrid Events

Virtual Events: The Digital Stage


Virtual events occur entirely online, accessible globally to anyone with an internet connection. These digital gatherings range from simple live streams to elaborate multi-day conferences with live speakers and breakout sessions. Their strength lies in inclusivity—reaching people irrespective of location, physical ability, or financial constraints. They offer a cost-effective, sustainable format, free from geographical limitations, and provide rich opportunities for data collection and brand awareness. Crucially, virtual events cater to diverse needs, from educational webinars to interactive social networking sessions.

Hybrid Events: Best of Both Worlds


Hybrid events blend in-person and virtual experiences, offering parallel participation whether attendees are on-site or joining remotely. Successful hybrid events ensure that both in-person and virtual attendees engage with the content equally, participate in discussions, and experience the event cohesively. These events are particularly effective for broad-reaching activities like industry-specific conferences, product launches, or educational seminars, where the aim is to combine the authenticity of face-to-face interactions with the wide reach of digital platforms.

Choosing the Right Format


The choice between virtual and hybrid formats hinges on your event’s objectives and audience. Virtual events are ideal when aiming for broad, global outreach or when logistics and budget constraints limit physical gatherings. Hybrid events shine in scenarios where you want to combine the intimacy and impact of in-person interactions with the extended reach of an online audience.


Embracing the strengths of each format allows you to tailor experiences that align with your goals, ensuring both engagement and effectiveness. Whether you choose the immersive world of virtual events or the dynamic blend of hybrid experiences, understanding these differences is key to planning successful, impactful events.

How to Plan a Virtual Event

Planning a virtual event requires a well-thought-out concept, and an even more meticulous plan of action. So below, we’ve broken down how to plan a virtual event into five basic steps. 

  • Building Your Event Team
  • Creating Engaging Content and Agendas
  • Technical and Rehearsal Planning
  • Presenter Preparation and Coordination
  • Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules


And there you have it: that’s how to plan a virtual event.


Alright, alright, there’s more to it. Here’s how we’ll elaborate: We’ll start by assembling a dynamic event team, each member playing a pivotal role in the event’s success. Then, we’ll delve into creating content that captivates and an agenda that keeps the audience engaged. Technical setup and rehearsals will ensure everything runs smoothly, while preparing presenters and fine-tuning event settings will lay the groundwork for a seamless experience. Each of these steps is integral, and we’ll explore them in detail to equip you with the tools for success.

Step 1: Building Your Virtual Event Team

A successful virtual event hinges on a well-coordinated team, each member playing a pivotal role in ensuring seamless execution.

Project Manager

The Project Manager is the backbone of your event, orchestrating the overall vision, timelines, and resources. They ensure that every aspect of the event aligns with strategic objectives, managing everything from initial planning to post-event analysis. Their role involves coordinating across various teams, resolving logistical challenges, and keeping the event on track.

The Production Manager is responsible for the technical aspects of the event. They work closely with the tech team to manage the platform, handle audio-visual elements, and ensure that all technical requirements are met. This role is crucial for troubleshooting technical issues and ensuring a smooth, glitch-free experience for participants.

During the event, the Producer takes the lead. They are responsible for the live execution of the event, managing the flow, transitions, and ensuring that each segment starts and ends on time. A great Producer can seamlessly blend different elements of the event, making the technology invisible to presenters and participants.

The Content Coordinator oversees the event’s content, ensuring it is engaging, relevant, and well-paced. They work with speakers to fine-tune their presentations and align content with the event’s goals. The Marketing Team, on the other hand, drives awareness and attendance through strategic campaigns across various channels.

Step 2: Create Narrative Agendas and Compelling Content

Next On the Agenda: The Agenda


A well-structured agenda helps keep your audience engaged. Begin with a strong opening that captures attention, and space out your program to include a variety of sessions. Integrate interactive elements like live polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms to foster attendee participation. Consider time zones for a global audience and keep sessions concise to maintain energy levels. Regular breaks are essential, especially for longer events, to prevent zoom fatigue. Close with a compelling session that leaves a lasting impression and encourages further engagement.

Gathering Speaker Materials


In the run-up to the event, ensure you collect all necessary materials from your speakers well in advance. This includes not only their presentation content but also bios, photos, and social media links. These elements are crucial not just for the event itself but also for promotional activities, helping to build anticipation and connect the audience with your speakers.

Crafting Effective Event Slides


If you want to know how to plan a virtual event and only remember one thing, make sure it’s this: the heart of a successful virtual event lies in its content.


Start by identifying the most impactful themes that resonate with your target audience. Incorporate a mix of formats—keynote speeches, panel discussions, interactive workshops—to maintain interest. Use storytelling to make presentations relatable and memorable. It’s crucial to include real-world examples, case studies, or live demonstrations to enrich the content. Ensure the content not only informs but also inspires and engages your audience.


A well-designed slide deck is more than just a visual aid; it’s a roadmap for your event. It should clearly outline the structure, maintaining a balance between information and engagement. Remember, the best slides complement the speaker, reinforcing their message without overshadowing it. 

Optimizing Your Presentation Space


The physical space from where you present plays a subtle yet significant role. Ensure high audio quality with a good microphone or headset. Pay attention to your background—keep it clean and clutter-free. A messy backdrop will leave the attendees feeling icky. Same with your attire: dress in simple, solid colors to minimize distractions but portray professionalism and authority. This setup helps maintain focus on your content, ensuring your audience absorbs and trusts every word.


Incorporating these elements into your virtual event planning ensures a polished and professional experience, where every detail is aligned with your overarching goal of delivering an unforgettable virtual event.

Step 3: Technical and Rehearsal Planning

When it comes to virtual events, the devil is in the technical details. Ensuring a flawless technical setup is non-negotiable. This includes establishing robust broadcast channels for wider reach, such as Facebook Live, LinkedIn Live or YouTube, and hardwiring your internet connection for stability. A shaky connection is the quickest way to lose your audience’s attention and trust.


Equally crucial is the rehearsal process. Conducting at least one thorough rehearsal is essential to familiarize speakers with the presentation software and format. This dry run should replicate the live event conditions as closely as possible. Everyone involved should test their cameras, microphones, lighting, and any other equipment to iron out potential issues.


The webinar planning phase is also the perfect opportunity to practice transitions and content flow, ensuring that speakers feel confident and ready. Remember, a well-rehearsed event is more likely to run smoothly and keep your audience engaged from start to finish.

Step 4: Presenter Preparation and Coordination

Preparing your presenters is a critical step in the success of your virtual event. Begin by providing them with comprehensive best practices for using the webcast platform. It’s essential for presenters to be familiar with the technology to ensure a smooth delivery.


During rehearsals, focus on checking audio and video quality to ensure they are clear and professional. Encourage presenters to use the same technical setup during rehearsals as they will during the live event. A well-prepared presenter is confident and engaging, key to delivering a successful virtual session.

Step 5: Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules

  • Configuring Webcast Software Settings: Ensure all technical aspects of the webcast software are properly set up. This includes audio and video settings, chat functionalities, poll creation, and other interactive features. It’s crucial to tailor these settings to suit the specific needs of your event.
  • Scheduling Presenters: It’s vital to have presenters log in well before the event start time. Aim for a 30-60 minute early login to allow for any last-minute adjustments or troubleshooting. This window also provides an opportunity for presenters to acclimate to the virtual environment and interact with each other, fostering a more relaxed and confident presentation atmosphere.
  • Final Checks and Balances:
    • Test all links and login credentials.

    • Verify that backup systems are in place for critical components.

    • Confirm that all content, such as slides and videos, is uploaded and functioning correctly.

By carefully managing these final steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of technical glitches and ensure a smooth, professional experience for both presenters and attendees. After you’ve successfully planned your virtual event, all that’s left to do is promote, execute, generate leads, and follow up!


In summary, when you’re exploring how to plan a virtual event, it involves five steps:

  • Building Your Event Team: Assemble a team with roles like Project Manager, Production Manager, and Producer to ensure smooth coordination.
  • Creating Engaging Content and Agendas: Develop captivating content and a well-paced agenda, balancing various session formats and incorporating interactive elements.
  • Technical and Rehearsal Planning: Focus on technical setup, including stable internet connections and comprehensive rehearsals to familiarize speakers with the event format and technology.
  • Presenter Preparation and Coordination: Prepare presenters with best practices and ensure they are comfortable with the technology and event format.
  • Finalizing Event Settings and Schedules: Configure webcast software settings, schedule presenters for early arrival, and perform final checks for a seamless event.

Virtual Events with GlobalMeet

GlobalMeet stands as a premium solution, whether you’re organizing a simple event on your own or a complex, multi-day webinar requiring a full team. GlobalMeet provides access to a comprehensive event builder, a live event studio, and a range of customizable features.


We offer everything from self-service options with complete training to professionally managed events with expert event teams. Our platform is designed for various scenarios like corporate communications, investor relations, demand generation and more, ensuring an engaging and interactive experience for your audience.


See what the fuss is all about, and discover why five out of ten of the largest US banks trust GlobalMeet—watch a demo or contact us today!

top down view of two business people planning virtual event marketing

Virtual Event Marketing

So you’ve decided to run a virtual event—great call. But it’s one thing to host a webcast; it’s quite another to have a buzzing audience that’s eager to engage. Let’s dive into the world of virtual event marketing, where the right strategies can turn your webcast, kickoff, or town hall into the talk of the… well, into the talk of the town.


Virtual events are exceptional tools for leading-edge businesses, but captivating performances, exciting brand presentations, and flawless virtual events are essentially useless if no one is there to soak it all in.


A good virtual event marketing strategy encompasses a range of tactics and methodologies designed to promote online events, webinars, and conferences, ensuring maximum participation and engagement. With platforms like GlobalMeet, online event marketing becomes a streamlined, efficient process tailored to meet the diverse needs of today’s digital audience.


In this article, we’ll cover how to:

  • Understand your virtual event audience

  • Identify the optimal virtual event marketing strategy

  • Leverage a wide range of platforms and channels to promote your virtual event

  • Utilize GlobalMeet’s demand generation tools effectively

Understanding Your Virtual Event Target Audience

When it comes to identifying and understanding the ideal audience for virtual events, it’s essential to begin with a clear definition of your event’s objectives, ensuring they align with your broader business goals, such as lead generation or enhancing brand awareness. Delve into past event data to gather insights on attendee demographics, their interests, and feedback, which can be crucial in shaping your approach. Developing detailed audience personas is also key; consider aspects like job roles, industry sectors, and specific pain points that your event can address.


Further enrich your understanding through market research techniques like surveys, interviews, and competitor analysis, while also leveraging social media and web analytics to discern prevailing trends and traffic patterns. Engaging with online communities and industry groups can provide additional insights into potential attendee interests and expectations. This phase of audience analysis is foundational in creating a digital event marketing strategy that resonates with your target demographic and drives event success.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Use past data and market research to build a comprehensive understanding of your audience.
  • Persona Development: Create specific audience personas for targeted marketing strategies.
  • Feedback and Iteration: Continuously gather feedback and adjust your approach for maximum engagement.
  • Internal Collaboration: Leverage insights from internal teams for a well-rounded understanding of customer needs.

By leveraging tools and insights offered by platforms like GlobalMeet, marketers can gain a comprehensive view of their audience, allowing for more personalized, impactful online event marketing strategies that truly speak to the needs and expectations of potential attendees. Our expertise enables you and your team to effectively bolster brand visibility, amplify lead generation, and accelerate the customer acquisition journey whether you have an audience of 50 or 100,000+.

Strategies for Effective Virtual Event Marketing

Crafting a successful digital event marketing plan demands a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and data-driven insights. This includes developing compelling and engaging content that captures the essence of your event, personalized messaging that resonates with your target demographic, and leveraging various digital marketing channels for optimal reach.


Utilizing GlobalMeet’s analytics and customization features, marketers can better understand attendee behavior and preferences, allowing them to refine their strategies for maximum impact. From social media campaigns to targeted email marketing, each tactic should be designed to build anticipation, encourage registrations, and ultimately drive attendance to your virtual events.

Below, we’ll cover the following strategies and channels:

  • Social Media
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Paid Advertising
  • Partnerships
  • Demand Generation with GlobalMeet

Leveraging Social Media for Promotion

Social media stands as a powerful tool for promoting your virtual event, providing a platform for wide-reaching promotion, audience engagement, and community building. Additionally, GlobalMeet’s integration capabilities make it easy to share updates and engage with your audience across these platforms, ensuring a cohesive and consistent promotional effort. By incorporating the following strategies, social media becomes an invaluable asset in promoting your virtual event, enhancing visibility, and engaging potential attendees effectively.

Diverse Platforms for Broader Reach

Use platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, X, and Instagram to reach different segments of your target audience. Each platform offers unique ways to engage users.

Post interactive content like live sessions, event countdowns, and behind-the-scenes peeks. Use these to engage your audience and build excitement.

Create a unique event hashtag to foster a branded experience and make it easy for attendees to find and share information about your event. Consistent posting helps maintain event visibility.

Once you identify the types of posts that resonate with your audience, consider boosting them through paid ads. This can expand your reach and attract more attendees.

Utilize GlobalMeet’s features to seamlessly integrate your social media efforts with your overall event marketing strategy. This ensures a unified approach and maximizes the impact of your social media campaigns.

Email Marketing for Virtual Events

Email marketing offers a direct and personalized way to communicate with your audience. It goes beyond mere invitations; it’s about creating a compelling narrative that resonates with your recipients. Effective email marketing for virtual events involves several key strategies, and by leveraging these tactics, you can transform every email into an opportunity to captivate your audience and drive event registrations.


Tailor your messages to different segments of your audience—such as customers, prospects, partners. This helps create relevant and engaging content for each group.

Craft emails that tell a story about your event. Personalize these narratives to make each recipient feel uniquely addressed.

Start your email campaign about two weeks before the event and increase the frequency as the event approaches. This helps keep your event top-of-mind and builds anticipation.

Include sneak peeks, exclusive offers, or special guests in your emails to spark interest. Timely reminders can also help boost attendance.

Utilize GlobalMeet’s CRM integration to track the effectiveness of your campaigns. Analyze open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to continuously refine your strategy.

Content Creation for Virtual Events

Content is the lifeblood of virtual event promotion. It’s what tells your story, showcases your value, and keeps your audience intrigued. Creating compelling content for virtual events involves a mix of creativity and strategy. This includes developing engaging landing pages, crafting informative and enticing blog posts, producing promotional videos, and utilizing interactive infographics. These content pieces should not only inform but also entertain and engage your audience, keeping them hooked and eager to learn more about the event.


With GlobalMeet, integrating this content into your virtual event becomes seamless, enhancing the overall attendee experience. From the initial announcement to the post-event follow-up, every piece of content should be aligned with your event’s goals, designed to inform, engage, and convert your audience into attendees.

SEO Strategies for Virtual Events

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in enhancing the online visibility of virtual events. It’s a strategic process of optimizing your event website, landing pages, and content to rank higher in search engine results, thereby attracting more organic traffic.


Effective SEO for virtual events involves keyword research tailored to your target audience’s search habits, optimizing website content with these keywords, and ensuring your site is mobile-friendly and fast-loading. Don’t overlook the power of backlinks from reputable sites, as they significantly boost your site’s authority and search rankings.

Paid Advertising for Event Promotion

Paid advertising is a potent tool in the arsenal of virtual event advertising, offering the ability to target specific audiences and achieve immediate visibility. Platforms such as Google Ads (PPC) and social media advertising enable marketers to reach a broader and more diverse audience.


By crafting well-targeted ad campaigns, you can effectively drive traffic to your event registration pages. Utilize demographic, geographic, and behavioral data to tailor your ads to those most likely interested in your event. The key is to create compelling ad copy and visuals that resonate with your target audience. GlobalMeet’s analytics can assist in tracking the performance of these campaigns, allowing for real-time adjustments and optimization for maximum ROI.

Partnerships in Virtual Event Marketing

Strategic partnerships to promote your virtual event can significantly amplify your event’s reach and credibility.


Collaborating with influencers, industry experts, and other brands can open up avenues to new audiences and add a layer of authenticity and trust to your event. Influencers can leverage their followers to generate buzz around your event, while partnerships with industry leaders can lend expertise and thought leadership, enhancing the overall value of your event.


Consider co-hosting webinars or creating joint content to maximize the impact of these collaborations. GlobalMeet’s platform is designed to facilitate such partnerships, offering features that make collaboration easy and effective. From co-branded event pages to joint presentations, the possibilities are vast and can be pivotal in scaling your event’s success.

Virtual Event Marketing and Demand Generation with GlobalMeet

For brands looking to enhance their demand generation efforts, GlobalMeet offers a comprehensive solution. This platform is designed to simplify the process of engaging potential customers and increasing lead generation, regardless of the audience size, ranging from a small group to over 100,000 participants.


Key Features of GlobalMeet:

  • Branded Virtual Events: Create customized events that resonate with your brand identity, fostering meaningful connections and starting conversations that build lasting relationships.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Leverage powerful analytics to track attendee engagement, behavior, and demographics. This insight helps in understanding your audience better, leading to faster lead conversion and a robust sales pipeline.

  • Flexible Management Options: Choose between a webcast subscription for the self-serve enthusiast or opt for a professionally managed event service for a hassle-free experience. GlobalMeet also offers comprehensive training to ensure you can utilize the platform to its full potential.
  • Seamless Integration: The platform integrates smoothly with most CRM systems, ensuring that your valuable data is readily accessible and usable.

  • Unlimited Event Hosting: With no limits on the number of self-serve events, GlobalMeet encourages users to maximize their outreach efforts, translating into unlimited opportunities for lead generation.

  • High-Quality Streaming: Enjoy flexible HD video streaming capabilities without any bandwidth interruptions, ensuring a professional and engaging presentation for your audience.

Measuring Success in Virtual Event Marketing

Measuring the success of your virtual event marketing strategies is crucial in understanding what resonates with your audience and what doesn’t. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as registration numbers, attendee engagement levels, conversion rates, and post-event feedback play a pivotal role in this analysis. Utilize analytics tools to track these metrics, providing insights into attendee behavior and the effectiveness of your marketing channels.


This data-driven approach helps in fine-tuning future strategies, ensuring your marketing efforts are aligned with your event objectives. GlobalMeet provides robust analytics and reporting features, enabling you to measure the success of each aspect of your virtual event campaign, from initial outreach to post-event follow-up.


GlobalMeet not only aids in crafting an impactful first impression but also supports in nurturing these connections for a filled sales pipeline. It’s a tool designed to make your demand generation less demanding, yet more effective, offering the perfect blend of technology and ease of use for successful virtual event promotion.


Ready to elevate your virtual event marketing strategy? Explore GlobalMeet’s comprehensive solutions and discover how we can help you create unforgettable virtual experiences that resonate with your audience.


Request a demo today and take the first step towards redefining your virtual events.

business woman wearing glasses sits in front of laptop considering globalmeet's virtual event best practices

5 Tips for Virtual Event Best Practices

Whether delivering financial updates at a shareholder’s meeting, leading the launch of a new product, or educating customers about the latest product features, all great virtual events share a few common elements.


Integrating these key components into your virtual and hybrid events can help enhance audience engagement, your brand recognition, and encourage a bump in attendance at your next event. Moreover, a powerful virtual event can pay for itself in both sales and customer loyalty.


Now, the question arises: What are the the 5 best practices for virtual events to maximize your Return on Investment (ROI)?

1. Engagement through Interactive Features

Today’s virtual events must compete with in-person events with all the high-tech bells and whistles, combined with the opportunity for in-person chit-chat and networking. But virtual and hybrid events can be just as good as in-person gatherings if you implement the right tools. 


A virtual event solution provides opportunities to reach even more people than an in-person event could, in even more compelling ways. To help your virtual event stand out, make sure you give your attendees plenty of chances to interact. Features like polling, Q+As and audience chat can set your event apart. 

2. Add Creativity into Your Marketing Strategies and Presentations

Technology, of course, plays a key role in how compelling your virtual event can be. But you also want to put your most creative marketing minds in charge of promoting your event through email, social media, and other lead generation campaigns.


Collect presenter bios to benefit your marketing campaigns. Be sure to agree on the content they will share in advance of the event to generate buzz around the event. Consider interviewing one of the presenters in a recorded video to post on LinkedIn and other social channels.

3. Tailor Your Content for Targeted Audience Engagement

From your marketing campaigns to the event presentations, be sure every piece of content you develop speaks directly to your target audience. You’ll want to involve your sales and marketing teams to create an audience persona — your ideal customer who will be attending the event. 


Then, show them what pain points they have that your virtual event can help them solve. It might help to poll your audience in advance via email to determine what features of your business they hope to learn more about. Then, you can tailor content to address those needs. 

4. Highlight Your Brand Presence

Your marketing team and event planners will put a lot of time and manpower into creating content and producing an event that will speak directly to your audience. You want to make sure that your audience knows where all the valuable content comes from. It is important to focus on your branding before, during, and after the event.


GlobalMeet offers personalized branding for landing pages, the event itself, marketing resources and emails before and after the event. You can tailor your content to match your company’s branding guide, including the colors, fonts, logos, and design styles that are unique to your brand.

5. Conclude with a Clear Call to Action

When attendees exit your virtual event, they should be clear about their next steps. Your brand should be firmly embedded in their mind and think of your company as the industry expert in your field.


Be sure to leave audience members with a clear directive. Maybe you want them to buy a new product or add a feature to their Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) subscription. You can provide a limited-time-only discount code only for event attendees, so they can save money by purchasing within the next 48 hours. Whatever incentive you offer to your attendees, you want them to exit your virtual event with a clear idea of what they should do next.


Keep these five best practices for virtual events in mind when you produce your next webcast. GlobalMeet has all the tools you need to produce a great virtual event. Schedule a demo today to learn more. 

An example of a virtual town hall meeting hosted by GlobalMeet for insituCONSULTICORE with hybrid options

How to Host a Virtual Town Hall Meeting

In today’s digital-first world, virtual town hall meetings have become a game-changer in corporate communication. They’re an ideal way to connect leadership with a distributed workforce, fostering a sense of community and transparency across any organization. 


Whether you’re leading a Fortune 500 company or an emerging business, mastering the art of hosting effective virtual town halls can revolutionize your internal communications and align your teams with your company’s vision. Let’s dive into what makes these meetings tick, their benefits and how to host a virtual town hall meeting seamlessly with GlobalMeet.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover:

  • What are virtual town hall meetings?
  • What goes on in virtual town halls?
  • What are the benefits of virtual town halls?
  • Virtual town hall agenda example
  • How to host a virtual town hall meeting
  • Town halls with GlobalMeet

What Are Virtual Town Hall Meetings?

A virtual town hall meeting is a digital evolution of the traditional town hall forum, adapted for the modern, interconnected corporate world. These meetings provide a virtual space where employees and management converge to exchange information, ideas and feedback. It’s a concept that transcends physical barriers, bringing together a dispersed workforce, from various departments and geographic locations, into a single, cohesive assembly.

The Dynamics of Virtual Town Halls

At its core, a virtual town hall is an interactive online event. Senior management and leaders utilize a virtual event platform to communicate company updates, policy changes and strategic directions. These meetings are designed for two-way communication. Employees are encouraged to engage in dialogues, pose questions and provide their insights, making these sessions an inclusive experience.


One of the unique aspects of virtual town halls is their ability to level the playing field. Unlike traditional in-person meetings where seating arrangements might create a hierarchy of visibility and engagement, virtual town halls offer every participant a ‘front-row’ experience. This setup fosters a sense of equality and encourages more open and balanced participation.

The Benefits of Going Virtual With Your Town Halls

Switching to virtual town halls offers several advantages over traditional, in-person gatherings:

  • Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability: Virtual town halls eliminate the logistical challenges and costs associated with physical venues, travel, and accommodation. They are easily scalable, capable of accommodating anything from a small team to 100,000+ employees across the globe.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Innovative digital tools, such as surveys, polling, Q&A, audience chat, social media feeds​ and dynamic layouts, transform passive listeners into active participants. These features enrich the experience and ensure higher engagement levels.
  • Flexibility and Convenience: Participants can join from anywhere, be it their office, home, or on the move. This flexibility results in higher attendance and participation rates.
  • Data and Feedback Collection: Virtual platforms enable the collection of valuable data, like engagement metrics and real-time feedback, helping organizations to gauge the effectiveness of their communication and make informed decisions for future meetings.

Incorporating GlobalMeet into Your Virtual Town Halls

While virtual town halls offer numerous advantages, their success heavily depends on the chosen platform’s capabilities. This is where GlobalMeet excels. Our platform is tailored to enhance your virtual town hall experience, providing advanced features and tools that make organizing and hosting these events straightforward and effective.


Whether you’re hosting a small internal meeting or a large-scale global event, GlobalMeet is equipped to handle your needs with ease. We offer robust security features to protect your discussions, flexible speaker options to accommodate multiple presenters and interactive elements to keep your audience engaged.


At GlobalMeet, we understand that every organization has unique needs. That’s why we offer both a webinar platform license and professionally managed event options, allowing you to choose the level of support that best fits your event. 

What Goes On in Virtual Town Halls?

Virtual town halls are dynamic and multifaceted events that serve as a nexus for communication within an organization. Let’s break down the typical components and activities that make up these engaging digital assemblies.

Key Activities in Virtual Town Halls

Leadership Addresses

These meetings often commence with senior management, including CEOs and department heads, presenting the company’s current status, achievements, challenges and future plans. This segment sets the stage and provides context for the rest of the discussion.

Different departments or teams may present their updates, showcasing recent successes, ongoing projects, or future endeavors. This broadens employees’ understanding of the company’s diverse operations.

A vital component of virtual town halls, Q&A sessions invite employees to ask questions via chat. With fully managed events, you can gain access to GlobalMeet’s Centerstage managed feature, where special guests cameo on video during a live event to ask a question or contribute to an ongoing discussion. This not only clarifies doubts but also fosters transparency and trust within the organization.

Real-time polling and surveys are often conducted to gather instant feedback, gauge employee sentiments, or make collective decisions. This immediate interaction enhances engagement and makes employees feel valued.

Acknowledging individual or team achievements during town halls boosts morale and motivates employees. It’s an opportunity to celebrate successes and reinforce positive behaviors aligned with company values.

Sometimes, town halls include segments on professional development, where new training programs, learning resources, or career advancement opportunities are introduced.

Virtual town halls are often used to make significant announcements such as mergers, acquisitions, or strategic shifts, ensuring that all employees receive this information instantaneously.

What are the Benefits of Virtual Town Halls?

Virtual town halls offer unique advantages that can significantly impact an organization’s communication strategy.

Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity

These meetings break down geographical barriers, allowing global participation. Employees from various locations can join, fostering a sense of unity and inclusion.

With advanced analytics capabilities of platforms like GlobalMeet, organizations can gain insights into participant engagement and feedback, allowing for continuous improvement in their communication strategies.

Virtual town halls offer a platform for open dialogue between employees and management. This transparent communication helps in aligning the workforce with the company’s vision and goals.

Virtual town halls can be recorded, providing an opportunity for those who missed the live event to catch up, and for attendees to revisit key discussions.

By going virtual, companies save on the expenses and logistical complexities associated with physical events. This efficiency extends to attendees as well, who save time by joining from their preferred locations.

With tools like live polling, Q&A and chat functionalities, virtual town halls transform from passive listening experiences to interactive sessions.

Whether it’s for a small team or an enterprise-wide gathering, virtual town halls can be scaled to fit any size, catering to hundreds or 100,000+ participants without compromising the quality of interaction.

GlobalMeet builds an inclusive culture that breaks down language barriers, fosters team building and improves accessibility and inclusivity with live interpretations or captions during events.

In essence, virtual town halls, powered by robust platforms like GlobalMeet, are transforming corporate communication, making it more inclusive, engaging and effective. They are an indispensable tool in today’s fast-paced, globally dispersed corporate world.

Virtual Town Hall Agenda Example

Crafting an engaging agenda is key to a successful virtual town hall. Here’s an example agenda that leverages the capabilities of GlobalMeet’s solution.

Dynamic Kick-Off
  • Introduction: Begin with a lively and engaging introduction. This could be a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or a brief, impactful story relevant to your organization’s current focus.
  • Icebreaker Activity: Use GlobalMeet’s interactive features for a virtual icebreaker. This could be a quick poll, a fun trivia question about the company, or a creative visual puzzle to get everyone’s gears turning.
  • Company Overview: Present an overview of the company’s recent achievements and current status. Utilize GlobalMeet’s high-quality video and slide-sharing capabilities to present engaging visuals.
  • Departmental Highlights: Have department heads share their latest updates, achievements, and upcoming projects. This segment can include short video clips or interactive graphics to maintain audience interest.
  • Milestone Celebrations: Acknowledge any significant company milestones, anniversaries, or awards, enhancing the sense of community and shared success.
  • Open Forum:  Utilize GlobalMeet’s Centerstage Managed Feature to allow employees to ask questions on video. This session is moderated to ensure a smooth flow of conversation.
  • Live Polling: Conduct live polls during the Q&A to gauge employee opinions on key topics or to make decisions on lighter, more engaging subjects.
  • Guest Speaker or Workshop: If applicable, include a segment with a guest speaker or a brief workshop on a topic of interest, such as mindfulness or professional development.
  • Speak the Language: GlobalMeet’s language captions and live interpreters break down language barriers, fostering accessible, credible and effective global communication.
  • Future Goals and Objectives:  Share the company’s vision for the upcoming quarter or year. This is an opportunity to align everyone with the organization’s future direction.
  • Announcements of Upcoming Events: Inform the employees about upcoming events, training sessions, or town halls, creating anticipation and ensuring continued engagement.
  • Motivational Close: End the town hall on a high note. This could be a positive message from the CEO, a highlight reel of employee achievements, or an inspiring story that resonates with the company’s values.
  • Feedback Request: Encourage participants to provide feedback on the town hall via GlobalMeet’s survey tool, emphasizing the importance of their opinions in shaping future meetings.

How to Host a Virtual Town Hall Meeting

Organizing a successful virtual town hall meeting can significantly impact your company’s internal communication and employee engagement. Here’s how to host a virtual town hall meeting that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

  1. Establish Clear Goals

When it comes to hosting a virtual town hall meeting, defining your purpose is the first and crucial step. Are your goals centered around corporate updates, boosting employee engagement, or conveying strategic announcements? Understanding your audience is equally important. Determine whether you’re addressing the entire organization, certain departments, or a combination of internal and external stakeholders.

  1. Scheduling and Familiarization

Scheduling your virtual town hall meeting is a critical aspect, especially if your audience spans multiple time zones. Familiarize yourself with all the features that GlobalMeet offers, ensuring you leverage its full potential for effective streaming and engaging audience interaction.

  1. Content Preparation

A well-crafted agenda is essential for a successful virtual town hall. Outline all the topics and segments in your agenda and share them with attendees in advance. This approach sets clear expectations and helps in keeping the meeting structured. Conduct rehearsals for all speakers using GlobalMeet’s tools to ensure they are comfortable with both the technology and their content delivery.

  1. Technical Readiness

Make sure to conduct a thorough check of all technical elements, like audio and video quality, before the event. Preparing GlobalMeet’s interactive features such as Q&A, polling and chats in advance will enhance audience participation and engagement during the town hall.

  1. Execution of the Town Hall

Start your virtual town hall meeting punctually, respecting your attendees’ time. Engage your audience by utilizing GlobalMeet’s interactive tools and maintaining a dynamic and interactive presentation style. Adhering to the agenda is important, but remain adaptable to accommodate any real-time audience interactions or discussions that may arise.

  1. Post-Event Engagement

Post-event engagement is crucial. Share the recording of the town hall with those who couldn’t attend using GlobalMeet’s recording feature. Collecting feedback through surveys after the event is crucial in gathering insights to refine and improve future virtual town halls.

  1. Review and Improvement

Finally, review and improve your town hall meetings by analyzing engagement through GlobalMeet’s reporting and analytics. Understanding attendee behaviors and engagement levels is key. Use the feedback and data insights you collect for continuous improvement, ensuring each virtual town hall is more impactful than the last.

Learning how to host a virtual town hall meeting involves careful planning, leveraging the right tools, and engaging with your audience effectively. With GlobalMeet, you’re equipped to transform your town halls into memorable experiences for every participant.

Host a Virtual Town Hall with GlobalMeet

Each virtual town hall is an opportunity to align your workforce with your company’s vision and goals, making every employee feel valued and heard. Don’t let technical glitches or logistical challenges hinder your next big event. Connect with us today or schedule a demo and take the first step towards transforming your virtual events into impactful experiences.

Leveraging Virtual Events for Enhanced Corporate Communication

As your organization gears up for the upcoming Quarterly Business Review or All-Hands Meeting, shifting to a virtual event platform has its perks, especially in the context of remote work. Embracing webcasts for corporate communication can simplify the process, whether you’re addressing a group of 100 or 100,000+ employees or customers.

Confidence in Your Agenda and Presentation

For a high-stake corporate webcast, project confidence and enthusiasm about your content, setting the tone for an engaging and informative presentation. Each speaker should prepare notes and talking points in advance, ideally with a practice run or two, ensuring a smooth and polished delivery. If department heads are sharing their teams’ quarterly achievements and challenges, ensure they are well-prepared to handle any questions that may arise.


Facilitating Audience Interaction

In the world of corporate communication, it’s not just about delivering information; it’s about engaging your remote audience effectively. To achieve this, consider incorporating multimedia elements into your webcasts, such as video clips, images, and dynamic graphics, to make your presentations more visually appealing. It’s also important to encourage participation through real-time polls and surveys, allowing your audience to express their opinions and providing valuable insights for your organization.


Moreover, don’t underestimate the importance of post-virtual event engagement. After your corporate event, share the recorded webcast with your audience, making it accessible for those who couldn’t attend live. Provide follow-up space for ongoing discussion and questions, allowing employees or stakeholders to continue the conversation, share feedback, and build a sense of community. These interactive experiences and ongoing engagement can enable your webcasts to become a powerful tool for fostering meaningful connections in a remote work environment. GlobalMeet offers the flexibility and features to help you in this journey, making your corporate communication more effective and inclusive than ever before.

Adapting Your Tone to Different Audiences

Whether your presentation is directed towards employees, investors, customers, partners, or a board, it’s important to customize your approach. While the core content, such as presenting sales figures and growth, may remain consistent, your tone should cater to the specific audience. Investor presentations may require a more formal and polished tone, while employee briefings might adopt a somewhat more casual demeanor. Ensure that your tone and delivery match the intended audience in corporate communication.


Elevating Corporate Communication Webcasts

GlobalMeet Webcast streamlines corporate communication in a remote work environment, offering both self-service and managed event services so you can focus on delivering your message, not the technology. With the ability to brand your webcast for a cohesive company identity, you can create a structured online experience. Features like audience polling and Q&A sessions promote meaningful interaction. A customized, branded experience allows for a controlled company identity and creates a structured experience online, while audience polling and Q&A features allow for appropriate interaction.

To access comprehensive instructions on creating a professional webcast experience for your upcoming corporate town hall, business review, board meeting, or all-hands meeting, download GlobalMeet’s Virtual Event Planning Guide today. For more information on how GlobalMeet can enhance your corporate communication efforts, contact our sales team today.

two women in business attire walk outside with coffees in their hands talking about video for wealth management with globalmeet's virtual event platform

Using Video to Elevate Your Wealth Management Firm’s Brand

With 275,000+ financial advisors operating in the United States, the challenge lies in setting your business apart from the crowd. In a landscape characterized by uniformity, it’s imperative for your financial advisors to distinguish themselves in order to thrive. Beyond top-tier analytical skills, a commitment to financial planning, and a genuine desire to assist clients, integrating cutting-edge technology, such as video, can be a pivotal factor in differentiating your firm in the bustling financial industry.


Remarkably, 90% of financial organizations operate either remotely or in a hybrid model, rendering video production a formidable obstacle. Combining time constraints, budget limitations, restricted bandwidth, and the steep learning curve of video, the task might appear too time consuming.


However, platforms like GlobalMeet make it feasible for wealth management firms to streamline and expand their video production efforts without necessitating a steep learning curve or extensive investment in new technology.

Four Effective Ways to Harness Video in Wealth Management

1. Commence with Simple Streaming

The simple act of turning on the camera and clicking “start” is just the beginning of deep diving into the world of video. These webcasts can be repurposed into YouTube videos or sliced into snackable content for distribution to prospects or customers through email. For instance, you could initiate a monthly webcast breaking down the latest market and investment trends and then follow up with a two-week email nurture sequence to reinforce your message. GlobalMeet offers robust analytics and tracking, enabling you to identify precisely which clients are participating and engaging.


2. Embrace In-House Production

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need to outsource video production to an expensive studio. In many cases, the most compelling video content is created by your in-house financial advisors. Such content often feels more authentic and resonates better with consumers, who tend to respond more positively to user-generated content (UCG) that mimics a genuine conversation.

3. Practice Makes Perfect

As with any newly acquired skill, becoming comfortable and proficient with video calls for practice. Encourage both yourself and your team to convert client calls into video meetings, transform one-dimensional slide presentations into dynamic dialogues, and convert written quarterly updates into webcasts. The more you integrate video into your daily routines, the more effortless and expedient the video creation process will become. GlobalMeet Webcast caters to beginners and advanced users alike, simplifying the initial steps and empowering experienced users to elevate their production quality.


4. Establish a Valuable Resource Library

Clients often prefer to consume content on their own schedules and terms, which may not always align with a live webcast. Maintaining a dedicated space of on-demand video content allows clients to access information at their convenience. Be sure to include contact information for them to get in touch if they have questions.

GlobalMeet Webcast in the Financial Sector

GlobalMeet Webcast is your one-stop-shop for creating engaging virtual and hybrid events. For financial advisors and wealth management firms seeking to distinguish themselves, establish stronger client relationships, and boost revenue through virtual events, reach out to our sales team today for more information.

tech industry man sitting on steps looks at globalmeet virtual event on his tablet

Maximizing the Benefits of Virtual Events in the Tech Industry

In today’s tech-driven world, whether you are at the helm of a cutting-edge SaaS firm, delivering top-notch IT solutions to global enterprises, or pushing the boundaries of innovation in any sector, webcasting technology can revolutionize how your organization is attacking lead generation, brand enhancement, and internal communication.

Stirring Up Enthusiasm for Your Products

Webcasts serve as dynamic tools to generate excitement and foster trust among end-users, regardless of their position in the sales journey. Equipped with comprehensive analytics, you no longer need to rely on guesswork to assess your webcast’s impact. Benefits of virtual events, such as engaging features like audience chat, polling, and Q+A sessions keep your viewers hooked, offering valuable insights into which aspects of your content resonate most with your audience.


Most importantly, webcasts allow you to deliver product-focused information and education in an engaging manner. Tailor your content to suit your audience’s preferences, so your sales team can seal the deals.

Crafting a Distinct Brand Identity

Your brand is your digital calling card, and personalizing webcasts by incorporating your brand’s colors, logos, and other elements can elevate your company’s presence.

Harnessing Your Customers as Brand Advocates

Chances are, you have a base of satisfied clients who are already fans of your services. Let them take the spotlight by featuring guest presenters, pre-recorded videos, and testimonials that highlight the most valuable aspects of your products and services. With GlobalMeet, you can seamlessly weave these elements together for a polished and professional presentation, all while ensuring crystal-clear audio and video quality.

Establishing Thought Leadership in Your Field

Webcasts serve a multitude of purposes, from lead generation to educating end-users about product features, service offerings or introducing new innovations. Thought leadership is no longer just a marketing buzzword; it’s a vital strategy for tech companies looking to gain trust and stay top-of-mind with clients and prospects. Lead the conversation in a compelling, dynamic manner and give your audience the option to revisit it with on-demand viewing.

Safeguarding Proprietary Knowledge and Insights

Whether you’re hosting a product launch or an investor relations earnings call, certain information should remain confidential, shielded from competitors and sometimes the public eye. Enterprise-level security measures, including gated access, password protection, and login authentication, ensure your event is safe and secure.

Generating Revenue

While putting your brand in the spotlight is crucial, it’s important to maximize your events to net a positive ROI. GlobalMeet offers seamless API integration with your CRM and other tools, empowering your sales team to follow up with leads post-event, address their specific pain points, and close deals that align with your sales targets.

Room to Expand

GlobalMeet is not just a one-size-fits-all solution; it offers the flexibility to sell, promote, and build brand trust through one-to-many interactions efficiently and cost-effectively. Utilizing the benefits of virtual events, you can easily scale up to reach global audiences numbering in the thousands, all while presenting your company and events in a manner that mirrors the excellence of the services and products you provide.


Connect with us today to schedule a demo and discover how GlobalMeet can empower your tech endeavors.

Graphic of a person holding a tablet and a book icon is appearing off of the screen

5 Benefits of Virtual Events for Publishers

What is a Webcast?

As in-person interactions have historically dominated the publishing industry, the last few years have sparked an opportunity for engaging in virtual events. From book signings to meet and greets to launch parties, publishing has many exciting opportunities for book lovers to interact with their favorite authors.

In-person publishing events come with limitations around travel logistics, budget, and time; authors can only be in one place at a time, and nationwide book tours are not an option for many publishing houses. Publishing events are relegated to big cities, forcing smaller communities to miss out on events that bring their favorite stories to life. Plus, in-person events are expensive.


Virtual events have the opportunity to be more cost-effective and accessible for book fans, publishing partners, and anyone else involved in the publication of literary works.

Virtual Events Benefits:

1. Reach a Wider Audience

With a few clicks, authors can broadcast in front of readers all over the globe. No matter the time zone or language, book fans can quickly tune in to a book launch or Q+A session. Authors have the opportunity to expand their fan base in cities and regions they might never have been able to visit. Attendees don’t need to invest in travel, and publishing houses can grow their reach without costly investments.

2. Generate Buzz and Excitement Around New Launches

Similar to the hype of an in-person event where an author announces a new novel or series, virtual events can recreate this excitement. Teasing the event beforehand on social media can drum up excitement, and paid ads can boost the event to an even larger audience. When publishers save tons of money by hosting a virtual event, they can spend that extra money on advertising and webcast promotion.

3. Reduce Costs

The publishing industry often works with tight margins, so every dollar spent on promotion and launch counts. With virtual events being 75% less expensive than in-person ones, publishers can do more with less and spend that valuable money elsewhere, maximizing virtual event benefits. Virtual events save money on more than just the venue; add in service costs, food and beverage, entertainment, gift bags, printed materials, signage, and even extras like valet parking or check-in staff.

4. Experiment with Dynamic Experiences

With high price tags and a lot at stake, it’s hard to experiment with in-person events. If an idea or activity flops, it’s not only disappointing but a major time and money loss. With a lower barrier to entry, virtual events allow for more testing and experimentation in new formats. Want to try a more back-and-forth style Q+A? Bring in adjacent authors from similar series as surprise guest speakers? Want to run polls on the newest book cover? GlobalMeet gives you all the tools and features you need to seamlessly experiment with new ideas.

5. Easily Measure Success

It’s difficult to gauge the success of an in-person event. Behind tracking in-person book sales or attendee sentiment on a survey as they’re walking out the door, it’s difficult to grasp the full picture of success. With virtual events, it’s incredibly easy to measure the number of attendees and engagement analytics and then seamlessly follow up with more information after the event is over. Robust analytics and tracking help you see how engaging individual sessions or activities were and how many people registered versus attended. Plus, with GlobalMeet, you can connect attendee data to a sales CRM and see how many people previously purchased something or how much sales increased afterward.

Use GlobalMeet for Engaging Publishing Events

Virtual events are ripe for opportunity with publishers. From expanding fan bases to saving money to measuring success, publishers can use virtual events throughout the entire publishing lifecycle. GlobalMeet offers publishing houses an easy way to kickstart virtual events and scale them in response to demand. With crystal-clear audio and video, live event translations, audience engagement tools, and an expansive suite of integrations, GlobalMeet is the platform of choice for innovative publishers. Contact us today to learn more about the virtual events benefits GlobalMeet offers.

image showing a doctor using global meet's virtual event platform for a health insurance virtual event

The Ins and Outs on the Health Insurance Market for Virtual Events

In 2021, 92% of Americans utilized health insurance through a mix of public and private companies. Health insurance is often a stressful, confusing topic for many, with ongoing public debates on insurance premiums, coverage, co-pays, costs, and more. There was also a time when the general public knew little about different brands in the healthcare and insurance industry; patients had no choice or ability to “shop around” for coverage when it was through their employer.


Health insurance has become a more popular topic, especially with the Affordable Care Act offering patients alternatives outside of employer-sponsored programs. The balance of buying power shifted more towards the consumer, and new metrics like patient satisfaction are the marketing messages of choice. As a result, modern-day healthcare and insurance companies should work to increase brand awareness and trust directly with their consumers. Here are a few ways to stand out in the health insurance market.

First, Establish a Strong Brand Identity

First, a cohesive, strategic visual identity and brand narrative are the foundation of standing out in a competitive market. More than a simple logo and color palette, a brand’s narrative emphasizes why the company exists, along with unique differentiators that beat competitors.


Establishing a strong and cohesive strategy across all marketing channels (website, social media, physician materials, paid ads, white papers, email newsletters, marketing collateral, sales sheets, etc.) helps build trust within your target market. Without confident, polished branding, healthcare and insurance companies will have difficulty establishing themselves as a trusted authority and winning the confidence of consumers.


However, a nice website and confident color palette simply aren’t enough to win today’s digitally savvy, well-educated consumers. Customizable communication alternatives like webcasts, SMS messaging, and more help build personal touches in this digitized world.

Strong Human Resources and Healthcare Improves Employee Retention

While direct-to-consumers is an important market, employer-sponsored healthcare programs make up the majority of healthcare and insurance communications. Healthcare is a strong draw when comparing companies, and many people specifically seek full-time employment for health benefits.


Strong benefits packages are important for workers deciding between jobs, and they also go a long way in improving employee retention. Strong human resource (HR) benefits and perks allow employees to feel valued, but it’s equally important that team members are aware of what they have access to.

Why Use Webcasting for Modern Day Healthcare

Health insurance plans aren’t easy to understand, and static brochures and complicated enrollment procedures exacerbate an already-complex concept. Team members are more likely to understand and comprehend complex payment breakdowns when they’re visually walked through the healthcare guide and can ask live questions and receive detailed verbal answers from their HR manager or the insurance representative.


Whether you’re educating employees during open enrollment or trying to reach consumers directly, webcasting allows for effective face-to-face communication. GlobalMeet offers powerful engagement tools for the audience, allowing for chats, polls, surveys, and more. Healthcare and insurance companies can monitor webcasts for questions and reactions, ensuring patients are getting the answers and care they need. Companies can then use these robust analytics to determine how their team members are responding to a new health insurance company, new perks, or simply completing open enrollment.


For healthcare and insurance virtual events, GlobalMeet also:

  • Assists insurance agents with communicating healthcare plans and changes to their clients
  • Allows HR to clearly illustrate insurance benefits to employees along with detailed plan comparisons that help them make the best decision for their family
  • Streamlines open enrollment with increased transparency and communication
  • Allows HR managers to educate, advocate, and answer questions more effectively
  • Increases brand awareness and customer loyalty

Schedule a demo with GlobalMeet today to see how we can support your next annual HR benefits presentation or insurance workshop.

image of a business man holding an online investor relations event with globalmeet

Enhancing Investor Relations with Webcasts

How do you feel when you think about your business’ investor relations? Stressed or carefree? Chances are that these relationships are sometimes fraught with tensions and often have to navigate tricky scenarios. However, strong investor relationships can provide significant value to your business beyond any monetary investment; from unbeatable business advice and strategy to a strong network, the right technology can help solidify and strengthen investor relationships.


While many earnings calls, investor days, and annual kickoffs have gone virtual, that doesn’t mean sacrificing human connection. Whether you’re excited to report high profits during an earnings call or you’re aiming to be proactive ahead of missed projections, an engaging, professional webcast aims to leave investors with a positive, confident outlook regarding your company.

How to Choose Webcast Technology for Investor Relations

In these high-profile events, you want to rely on a stable, high-quality investor communications platform that is known for powering the high-profile, investor-facing events of Fortune 500 companies. GlobalMeet is the platform of choice when it comes to high-stakes communications thanks to branded events, crystal-clear video and audio, seamless audience engagement tools, and robust analytics and integrations. Here are a few tips for effectively using webcasting technology to improve investor relations.

Create More Dynamic Earnings Calls

While not mandatory for publicly held companies, earnings calls provide an open forum for discussion and communicate transparency and integrity to your partners. With an open earnings call, your business controls the narrative instead of allowing investors to make their own (perhaps incorrect) assumptions. Include an introduction, welcome, a detailed overview, and a Q+A to engage your audience and involve them in the report.


While these are important calls, they’re often long, heavy with data and financials, and can be hard to make interesting. Add in a dynamically changing slide layout where you can refresh and refocus your audience’s attention on data, headshots, graphs, or any other visual, and all of these details make for a more engaging call.

Tighten Up Security

Your investors will thank you when they hit gated access, password protection, and other enterprise-grade security tools built into GlobalMeet. With confidential financial information on the line, you don’t want anyone entering uninvited or risk any numbers slipping out to the public.

Create Access on Demand

Let your partners choose how to attend; creating a virtual or hybrid experience for your investor events increases the reach and allows investors to watch on-demand when it fits their busy schedule. During a live event, you can engage through polls, surveys, and live Q+A sessions, giving you a chance to get to know your audience better and create more personal connections.

Secure More Funding and Strategic Advice for Your Business

When done well, investor days can help companies secure capital, improve optimism and outlook, and even raise stock prices thanks to an increase in investor confidence. A confident tone of voice, polished visuals, strong security, and smooth transitions convey that your business and leadership team knows what they’re doing. Don’t be afraid to leverage GlobalMeet’s expert team for virtual event preparation, moderation, and support, too.

Don’t Leave Investor Relations Events Up to Chance

Increase your company’s visibility and credibility by proactively setting your company’s financial narrative in the market. However, we know implementing new technology can feel stressful, but with a proven track record, GlobalMeet is the premier investor communications platform ready to provide professional, engaging virtual events with uncompromised security. Download our brochure and contact our sales team to learn more today.