photo of bank marketing executive planning a brand awareness building virtual event with globalmeet

Building Brand Awareness for Banks

Banks in the U.S. have more competition than ever before. In addition to the bigger banks, local credit unions with a nationwide reach thanks to online banking, small traditional banks, and nearly 70 neobanks serve U.S. customers.


For industry-leading financial institutions, brand awareness for banks is often a non-issue, given their established recognition. But smaller brick-and-mortar banks, as well as start-up neobanks, struggle in a crowded marketplace. You can offer the highest interest rates, have the best banking app, and provide tons of benefits to members. But if they don’t know your bank exists, they can’t create an account with you.


Building a strong brand is critical to helping consumers find you online, feel secure enough to create an account, and, finally, develop loyalty toward your brand. Ultimately, the right online marketing campaigns and outreach efforts, along with great financial products and stellar customer service, can turn customers into brand advocates.

Why You Need Brand Advocates

Consumers may be leery of online banking, neobanks, and even smaller traditional banks following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in March 2023. Yet, if people see their friends banking with a specific financial institution, they are more likely to trust it. One Nielsen study discovered that 88% of consumers said they trust recommendations from people they know above all other forms of marketing.


From the largest banks to the newest neobanks, many financial institutions have generous referral programs. Affiliate programs and referrer codes can help your business grow. But to leverage them, you must first build trust, loyalty, and brand awareness.


What’s the best way to build brand awareness for banks? Outreach campaigns that deliver value to your key target audience. Many banks have a broad target audience interested in:

  • High-yield savings products
  • Saving for retirement
  • Rewards credit cards
  • Fee-free banking

Once you identify your target audience, you can use GlobalMeet to create content that will capture their attention and build trust.

How to Create Value with Webcasts

You can create webcasts to build trust with your current members, sharing information on how to leverage your products to build their retirement accounts or ramp up their emergency savings.


You can also create events for those who may not be familiar with your bank. You don’t have to sell your products during these webcasts. Instead, seek to educate consumers on the importance of things like paying off debt, purchasing life insurance, or starting a retirement account.

Why Big Banks (and Small) Rely on GlobalMeet

GlobalMeet allows you to stream your events, conferences, and messages live to a global audience in real time or on-demand. As a cloud-based SaaS web solution, GlobalMeet is secure, scalable, and easy to use. That’s especially important when it comes to sharing information about financial services. Half of the largest banks in the U.S. trust GlobalMeet, so you can imagine what it might do for your brand.


Consumers have more choices in banking than ever before. But they need guidance to find the financial products and a bank they can trust. Use GlobalMeet to build brand awareness and trust.


Connect with us and create virtual and hybrid events that resonate with your audience. 

photo of a young virtual events consultant standing with a pad of paper in her hand

5 Advantages of Webcasts for Consultants

If you’re a business, investment, accounting, legal, tech, or marketing consultant, webcasts are a powerful tool for compelling your target audience to sign on the dotted line.


GlobalMeet has earned the trust of the world’s largest accounting and consulting firms, responsible for auditing over 90% of all Fortune 500 companies.


No matter your field, you need a solution that empowers you to create an immersive experience, drive new business, and cultivate fruitful relationships.


Here are some of the advantages GlobalMeet provides for professional consultants.

1. One-to-Many Communications

In the post-pandemic era, we can travel to meet clients, meet for lunch, dinner, or even parties, and connect personally. But not only are in-person meetings time-consuming, they’re also expensive. And, in reality, sometimes they’re just not necessary.


According to statistics from the 2023 Global Business Travel Forecast, the costs for in-person meetings and events are up by 25% since 2019. Further, they’re expected to hop up another 7% by the end of 2023 as a result of inflation, increased demand, supply chain challenges, and the labor shortage.


Webcasts, on the other hand, remain affordable regardless of the number of attendees. Interactive features like polling, Q+As, surveys and audience chat make for an engaging experience no matter where your attendees hail from.

2. Connect With Clients Around the World

If you’re trying to expand globally, GlobalMeet eliminates time and language barriers. As a result, you can host meetings anywhere, anytime. You can even provide live event translations to reach a truly international audience.

3. Fine-Tune Your Marketing and Branding

GlobalMeet provides a full toolbox to help you market your virtual events, track attendance, and then follow up on interest. Best of all, you can customize your webcast branding, putting your brand’s best foot forward.


You can leverage both high-level and granular analytics. Also, following up after the event is easier because you have so much data at your fingertips.

4. Nurture Leads to Customers with Education

Consultants play a crucial role in growing a new business, scaling a company, or helping to optimize operations. You fill in gaps where employees may lack a necessary skillset or crucial industry experience. But on the other side of the desk, it can be difficult to justify spending money on your services, especially for businesses that haven’t worked with a consultant before.


Building relationships through education is more important than ever as decision-makers tighten their purse strings. Webcasts can help you establish yourself and your team as trusted industry experts, which can foster strong relationships and drive future business.

5. Establish a Secure, Relaxing Experience with Professional Technology for Your Webcast

Because they have to handle so much sensitive data, consultants in the accounting and legal fields understand the importance of state-of-the-art, enterprise-level security. But an aggressive security posture is equally important for business and marketing consultants.


Give your partners and meeting attendees peace of mind with a full suite of security features, including gated access, password protection, and login authentication.

Final Thoughts

Hosting everything from large-scale events to small gatherings is easier with GlobalMeet. Grow your consulting business by reaching clients where they are — literally — with the information they need. To learn more, reach out to schedule a demo today.

image of business man using globalmeet webcasting for financial virtual events

Why Financial Institutions Need Webcasting

Financial institutions play important strategic roles with investors, employees, and consumers. As a trusted partner, you want to be their go-to for information during stable, “business as usual” markets as well as through volatile economic times. Whether you’re launching a new service offering to partners or walking a large firm through complex financial procedures, you want to make sure that your message gets across clearly and effectively. For financial institutions seeking to leverage webcasting technology for continuous and secure communication, such as hosting virtual bank conferences, GlobalMeet powers 50% of the largest U.S. banks and 23% of the world’s largest banks as their webcast vendor of choice.

Why Use Webcast Technology Over Traditional Forms of Communication

The absence of non-verbal cues, such as body language, tone of voice, and inflection, in one-dimensional forms of communication like emailing or newsletter updates can often lead to misunderstandings. Furthermore, these methods can feel distant and impersonal, lacking the warmth and human connection typically associated with webcasting. Time zone differences, remote working and geographically dispersed teams are more easily accommodated and accessibility needs are often met better through webcasting.


As one of the most trusted vendors in a person’s life, a financial institution like a bank, credit union or wealth management advisor needs to inspire confidence, transparency, and authenticity in customers. This is easily done with powerful webcasting technology that allows for reaching a global audience in real-time or on demand.

Why Leading Financial Institutions Use GlobalMeet Webcast for Video Communication

For enterprise organizations, GlobalMeet Webcast executes polished, resourceful communications at scale. In the financial sector, this is more important than ever for a multitude of reasons.

1. Financial Organizations Need to Provide Continuous Education

For financial organizations specifically, education plays a huge role in maintaining relationships with investors and clients. Clients look to their financial advisors for reassurance, education, and trending information around stock markets, investments, and more. Leading financial institutions know that maintaining a continuous stream of educational information is key when policy changes occur, markets shift, or new investment opportunities become available.

2. Polished Webcasting Technology Helps Facilitate Trusted Relationships

GlobalMeet Webcast supports the trusted relationships financial organizations need to maintain and ensures that confidence and expertise are portrayed through high-quality video and audio. Nothing makes consumers feel more unsure than hearing garbled speech from their financial partner. Across all financial vendors, GlobalMeet Webcast helps keep employees, analysts, members, agents, and customers educated and engaged.

3. Financial Businesses Need to Scale Their Communication

From a small, local credit union to an insurance giant, communication needs to happen at scale. GlobalMeet Webcast easily accommodates 100k+ attendees across time zones and even in different languages. Communication is easily translated through live human translations or on-demand captioning, so no audience feels unaccommodated and left out.

How to Decide if GlobalMeet Webcast Is the Right Webcast Software for Your Financial Institution

From small teams to corporate giants, GlobalMeet is highly trusted by Fortune 500 companies around the world and is uniquely trusted by the world’s largest accounting/consulting firms, responsible for auditing over 90% of all Fortune 500 companies.


Explore how GlobalMeet’s leading technology can benefit your financial organization, especially for hosting virtual bank conferences.

a photo of a financial services team planning a globalmeet financial services webinar

How Virtual Events Can Revolutionize Financial Services

Digital transformation has rapidly advanced the financial services industry. From advancements in artificial intelligence that automatically detect unusual transactions to the 30,000 new fintech startups that are revolutionizing finances for consumers. Financial services organizations have the opportunity to deliver the most-cutting edge experiences for consumers globally. For banks, credit unions, financial advisors, insurance companies, and private and venture capital advisors, virtual events and webcasting technology offer the unique opportunity to help increase client retention, stay connected with key partners, and deliver mission-critical communications at the right time.

1. Build Trusted Relationships During Critical Moments

Scale doesn’t mean sacrificing real human connections with clients, partners, vendors, and other strategic advisors. In a relationship-based industry, no business wants to feel cold, impersonal, or distant, especially to valued clients, and nothing feels worse than struggling through a glitchy, hard-to-hear financial presentation. GlobalMeet Webcast is built to support compliance and prioritizes crystal-clear, high-definition audio and video technology, so clients thousands of miles away can feel like they’re sitting right in the room with you. From polished investor relations to real-time client updates, share important messages with GlobalMeet Webcast, renowned for mission-critical communications.


2. Broadcast Sensitive Information Securely

From confidential financial information from startups to bank account numbers of consumers, it can be nerve-wracking to consider virtual events when worried about security and compliance. Financial services organizations protect some of the most confidential information in a business’s or consumer’s life, so security is paramount. GlobalMeet Webcast uniquely offers industry-leading security and compliance, so information is protected, but you’re also meeting localized regulations like GDPR. Tools like gated access, login authentication, and password protection ensure that only invited guests get into your virtual event.


3. Empower and Educate Clients and Partners

A major part of the day-to-day of a financial business revolves around continuous training, market updates, and education. Whether you’re educating your internal team on a new technology or sharing quarterly revenue with strategic partnerships, virtual events allow you to reach thousands of attendees at a time across different languages and locations. Distance and time are no longer barriers when you can broadcast in real-time or on-demand, depending on the situation. Your organization is free to empower and educate partners on their schedule, delivering critical information and learnings at scale.


4. Measure Metrics That Matter

Just like you would for your clients, track and measure the success metrics that matter to you when it comes to virtual events. Numbers matter and robust analytics and reporting tell the true story of engagement. GlobalMeet Webcast has comprehensive analytics tools, but financial services organizations can also build their own reporting with integrations like Hive Streaming. Events take time and money, so make sure you’re ROI-positive on your events strategy.

GlobalMeet Webcast for Leading Financial Services Organizations

Whether you need extra support for a mission-critical event through our Managed Services team or simply need day-to-day help, our expert team is here to help. Industry-leading security, crystal-clear audio and video, and the ability to broadcast the right message at the right time make GlobalMeet Webcast a powerful partner for financial services.

We’re ready to support your next event. Request a demo today.