Professional businessman speaking to a crowd at a GlobalMeet corporate communication strategy event.

How Virtual Events Impact Your Corporate Communication Strategy

As businesses increasingly embrace digital transformation, virtual events have become a staple in corporate communication. Virtual town hall meetings have replaced traditional in-person gatherings, and employees all over the world are connecting despite the distance. This shift in global communication has been driven by the need for flexibility, cost-efficiency, and the ability to reach a global audience in real-time.


During a recent webinar with GlobalMeet and Hive Streaming, Michele Dobnikar, President of GlobalMeet, and Niklas Hagen, co-CEO of Hive Streaming, highlighted the importance of well-run internal events and the hidden costs of failed internal events. Their insights emphasize the critical role that high-quality virtual events play in effective corporate communication.

Enhancing Internal Corporate Communication

One of the primary benefits of virtual events is their ability to enhance internal corporate communication. High-quality video experiences are now expected not only for external events, but also for internal communications. Niklas notes that in our technological world we are all accustomed to high-quality streaming services like Netflix and YouTube, and yet companies do not seem to demand the same level of quality for internal events, despite knowing that poor video experiences can lead to disengagement and a lack of trust in leadership.


Virtual town hall meetings are now instrumental in creating alignment and engagement among employees. They provide a platform for leaders to communicate the company’s vision, goals, and strategies directly to their staff, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. And Michele agrees, emphasizing that these events shape company culture, align corporate goals, and inspire teams, making them essential for driving engagement and commitment.

The Cost of Failed Internal Events

The impact of a failed internal event goes far beyond technical cost; it can affect employee morale, trust, and understanding of the company’s direction. Michele highlighted the importance of having a strong communication strategy and the right tools in place to ensure that key messages are delivered effectively. Research shows that viewers that cannot hear the speaker or understand the speaker quickly tune out and become demoralized. And ultimately, your information becomes less viable. Having 40% of your employee base not understanding the information shared has a huge knock-on effect to your internal communications, your culture, and your revenue and profitability. Even 10% is too much.


Niklas agrees, further highlighting that costs associated with failed events are not always monetary. The opportunity cost of missed information and the time cost in needing to produce another event to replace the failed one. The embarrassment of being let down by your platform in front of a thousand employees. More importantly, failed events can erode trust in leadership. Employees expect seamless and professional virtual events, and any failure can result in a rapid loss of confidence and engagement.

So What Can We Do About It?

To ensure the success of virtual events, companies must focus on four key areas:

  • Content and Production Quality: The content of the event must be engaging, relevant, and well-produced. High production quality, including good lighting, sound, and camera work, enhance the overall experience. Additionally, interactive elements such as Q&A sessions and live polls can increase engagement, helping sessions to feel a little less cold and a little more personal.
  • Technology and Infrastructure: Reliable technology is crucial for delivering high-quality virtual events. Michele mentioned the importance of platforms like GlobalMeet, which offer stable and secure technology for both internal and external events. Hive Streaming’s control and analytics tools can also help ensure that large scale internal events go as planned, with smooth delivery and real-time insights into event performance.
  • Inclusivity: Virtual events must be inclusive, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their role or location, have access to the same information. Michele emphasized the importance of features like real-time translation and multiple language captioning to bridge communication gaps in global teams. This inclusivity is vital for maintaining a unified, engaged, and informed workforce.
  • Consistency: Regular virtual events, such as monthly or quarterly town halls, help maintain a continuous flow of information and keep employees informed and engaged. Consistency in communication reinforces the company’s goals and objectives, ensuring that employees remain aligned with the organization’s vision.

Leveraging Technology for Success and Retention

Unsurprisingly, good technology plays a pivotal role in the success of virtual events. Platforms like GlobalMeet and Hive Streaming offer integrated solutions that ensure seamless delivery and high-quality experiences. Hive Streaming’s recent product releases, such as ‘Control the Event’ and ‘IT and Network Analytics’, provide real-time insights and anomaly detection, helping companies identify and mitigate potential issues during live events.


Effective virtual events can also significantly impact employee retention and improve international communications. Engaged and informed employees are likely to stay, and this engagement can be driven heavily by leaders through these well-run internal events. They are a key opportunity to explain company goals and how the employee is vital to achieving them, which can in turn boost their commitment and job satisfaction. Neglecting the quality of the internal events can send the wrong message to employees about the company’s commitment to excellence, and trickles down to negatively impact vital customers.


For international employees, virtual events are also a critical tool for bridging cultural and linguistic divides and ensuring that teams have equal access and understanding for every event. Niklas highlighted the importance of ensuring that global teams receive the same quality of information as those at the headquarters. Tools like Hive Streaming’s real-time translation and multiple language captioning help ensure that messages are understood by all employees, regardless of their location and native language.


Incorporating virtual events into your corporate communication strategy is not just a trend; it’s a necessity in today’s dynamic business environment. These events are instrumental in shaping company culture, aligning goals, and fostering a sense of unity and purpose among employees. By prioritizing high-quality virtual events, organizations can enhance their communication strategies, improve employee retention, and ensure that their global teams remain informed and engaged every step of the way.


GlobalMeet stands out as the single solution for delivering high-quality internal and external virtual events. Whether you’re organizing an internal town hall with ten people, a sales kickoff, a marketing seminar, or an online event with ten thousand attendees, GlobalMeet provides the same user-friendly, reliable, secure, and stable technology. This consistency ensures that every event, whether managed or self-serve, maintains a high standard of excellence, making GlobalMeet the ideal choice for all your virtual event needs